Donating 5% to Healthy Seas

At SeaMorgens we love the sustainable fabrics we work with and we think it is unbelievable that ghost fishing nets that have been responsible for killing marine life and adding to plastic pollution, can now be recovered from the ocean and turned into yarn. Not only that, but that this fabric is really great quality and comfortable. SeaMorgens have decided to work with Healthy Seas to donate 5% of our Ocean collection to help fund their fishing net recovery dives.
Ghost Fishing Net Sustainable Swimwear
Healthy Seas was founded in 2013 to tackle the ghost fishing phenomenon which is responsible for the needless death of marine animals. Through cleanups with volunteer divers and by working with stakeholders of the fishing sector toward marine litter prevention, we collect waste nets and ensure they become a valuable resource.
To find out more about Healthy Seas visit
Turtle Wrapped Ghost Fishing Net